Church Constitution

Article 1 - Statement of Faith

As a body of believers, we affirm the following as essentials of the faith:

  1. We believe the Scripture of both the Old and New Testaments is the Word of God, given by verbal inspiration without error, and that it is the final authority in faith and practice.
  2. We believe in the Triune God, eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, was begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and is true God and true Man.
  4. We believe man was created in the image of God, male and female, that he sinned by disobedience and rebellion against the holy command of God, and thereby incurred physical and spiritual death; and that all are born with a sinful nature and are thereby in need of salvation.
  5. We believe that God so loved this world that He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of all; and that all who believe in and receive Him are justified through His shed blood, are born again by the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God.
  6. We believe that God is just in justifying all who believe in Jesus Christ, and that there is salvation in no other way but by receiving Him as Savior by faith, even such a faith as always works by love, is attended by godly sorrow for sin, and causes a cheerful obedience to God's Word.
  7. We believe that all believers are reproved of sin and are sealed by the Holy Spirit, causing them to rest on Christ for salvation, and are kept by the power of God through faith unto the redemption of the body.
  8. We believe in the bodily resurrection, the ascension, and the present High Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  9. We believe in the personal return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as the "blessed hope" of all believers.
  10. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.
Article 2 - Name and Object of the Church
Section 1 - Name of the Church

The name of this body of believers in Christ is the First Baptist Church of Rushford, New York

Section 2 - Object of the Church

This Church, believing in the Bible as the inspired Word of God and acknowledging its adherence to all teachings contained therein, declares the object of this organization shall be:

  1. To provide a place for and maintain regular services, both devotional and for public worship in accordance with the statement of faith and position statements maintained by the church.
  2. To minister in the Word by earnestly proclaiming the Gospel message of salvation through personal faith in Christ's finished work, and to urge personal acceptance of Him.
  3. To cooperate heartily with Missionaries and Mission Works by prayer, gifts, and services, in the effort to preach the Gospel to all the World.
  4. To carry on systematic education as will properly fit all students with a knowledge of the Bible, so that they may be prepared for active Christian service and that their lives may be deepened in Christ.
Article 3 - Membership of the Church
Section 1 - Requirements for Membership

The requirements for membership are equal for anyone seeking to be united with the Church regardless of age, gender, or race.

  1. Attendance at classes that teach the important doctrines, documents, policies, and purpose of the Church.
  2. An interview by the Board of Elders, at which time the candidate for membership will testify to their salvation in Jesus Christ, a growing relationship with the Lord, an account of their baptism by immersion following their conversion, and agreement with the Church Covenant and Constitution. They shall also indicate an active interest in the fellowship and ministries of the Church to attend and support them.
  3. Following the interview, the entire Board of Elders will either vote by a two-thirds (2/3) majority to approve the candidate for recommendation to the congregation for a vote at the next business meeting, or reject the candidate and inform the candidate of their reasons.
  4. Following the recommendation of the Board of Elders to the Congregation, the Church will vote by ballot to receive the candidate into membership. Approval will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.
Section 2 - Rights of Membership

All persons united with the Church are privileged to equally enjoy these precious rights and to regard their responsibilities to maintain them as sacred.

  1. All newly accepted members shall receive the "right hand of fellowship" from the leadership of the Church in the next most convenient Sunday service as a symbolic act of their union with the Church and their new status as members.
  2. All active members have the right to attend, question and comment at the business meetings of the Church. If they are 18 years or older they may vote.
  3. All active members have the right to hold office according to the restrictions of the Constitution provided they are 18 years or older.
Section 3 – Role of Membership

All persons united with the Church are to be responsible to maintain an active status with the Church unless unable to do so by extenuating circumstances.

  1. Active members are those who are in good standing, attending regularly, and indicate by their spirit and demeanor that they are in full sympathy and cooperation with the aims and ideals of the Church. Members who are negligent or indifferent to Church functions shall be contacted by the Elders.
  2. Non-resident members who report to the Church at least once each year, either in person or writing, shall be listed as inactive.
  3. Resident members who do not attend the services of the Church during the year, either because of physical inability or some other prohibitive circumstances, shall be listed as inactive.
  4. Any member who is listed as inactive may be placed again upon the list of active members by the Board of Elders when and if the cause of inactivity is removed and the Elders informed.
  5. No inactive member may vote or hold office. The inactive members list will be reviewed annually by the Board of Elders for reinstatement, discipline or exclusion.
  6. Every member is encouraged to be familiar with this constitution. Copies of the constitution shall be made available to all members.
Section 4 - Removal of Membership
  1. When any member removes from this place they shall inform the Elders.
  2. Any member who shall unite with any other Church shall have their name dropped from the roll of membership of this Church. In case there is no such Church, or there are circumstances which make it inadvisable to change, it shall be their duty to report to the Church as often as once a year in person or by letter to maintain their inactive membership.
  3. Letters of Recommendation, traveling, or student letters may be issued if desired.
Section 5 – Discipline of Membership
  1. All complaints and matters of discipline of members shall be formulated and carried out in the Spirit of Christ, in accordance with scripture, in meekness and godly fear, lest any fall by the way. The goal of discipline is reconciliation.
  2. Upon a review of the entire Board of Elders and a two- thirds (2/3) majority vote by ballot by the Board and the Church, a member guilty of conduct unbecoming to their profession of faith and membership or in violation of the Church Covenant or Constitution, may be excluded, provided that reasonable notice has been given such member, if they can be found, and an opportunity given for defense or satisfactory explanation, first before the Board of Elders and afterward before the Church if desired or necessary. No member of the Church shall have their name dropped from the membership roll on any charge without the privilege of a hearing, if they can be found. If not, the Elders are to use their discretion about making a recommendation that the member’s name be dropped from the roll of membership. Any who have been excluded from membership, upon showing a spirit of reconciliation and repentance, are encouraged to fellowship with this body, and may reapply for membership.
Article 4 - Organization of the Church
Section 1 – Officers, Committees and Positions of the Church
  1. The officers of the Church shall be the Pastor(s), Elders, Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, and such others as specified in the bylaws. These officers shall be elected by the membership.
  2. Any active member may hold an office or a position on a committee provided they meet the requirements of the Constitution and are 18 years or older, except that a single member may not hold both the offices of Elder and Trustee simultaneously.
  3. The term of office shall date from the first day of the new calendar year and continue for one full year unless otherwise specified in the Constitution. All officers, committees, and positions which shall be elected by the membership shall be elected at the annual business meeting. Any vacancies by a Church Officer, except for Elders and Trustees, shall be filled as soon as possible for the extent of the unexpired term.
Section 2 – Pastor(s)
  1. The Pastoral office is by Divine appointment. The relation of Pastor and people is not therefore a mere business contract. It should not be lightly formed nor rudely severed. The choice of a Pastor must be left to the prayerful consideration of the Church.
  2. Any Pastor shall meet the New Testament qualifications for elder, bishop, pastor as given in I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 and I Peter 5:1-4. If married, his wife shall meet the qualifications of I Timothy 3:11. Neither he nor his wife shall have been divorced.
  3. By virtue of his office, the Pastor shall be considered one of the Elders of the church.
  4. The first call of any Pastor shall be by ballot vote of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the active members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose, provided due notice of such time and purpose shall be given two Sundays preceding the meeting. This vote also includes an acceptance into the membership of the Church for the Pastor, his wife and any interested and qualified children. The term of his office shall be for an unspecified time.
  5. The Pastor shall conduct or oversee the functions of the church such as public services of worship, communion, baptism, prayer meetings, weddings, funerals, child dedications and any other necessary function as a representative of the Church and Jesus Christ. He shall endeavor to visit new attendees, those hospitalized and in nursing homes or shut-ins, and friends of members in times of crisis. The Pastor is to be a servant leader and Bible teacher through sermons and Bible study times.
  6. He shall have the general development of all the Church work under his supervision and be a non-voting, ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees of the Church.
  7. Should the Pastor deem it best to terminate his pastorate at any time, he shall give sixty (60) days notice to the Church, unless otherwise agreeably arranged.
  8. Should the Church deem it necessary to consider terminating his pastorate, a meeting may be called at any time in accordance with ARTICLE 5, Section 2C and a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of those active members present will be needed for dismissal. Upon a dismissal vote, and unless otherwise agreed between both the Church and the Pastor, his duties shall be immediately terminated; he shall be given thirty (30) days to vacate the parsonage, and be given thirty (30) days severance pay.
Section 3- Board of Elders
  1. The Elders shall be men chosen in accordance with the requirements of I Timothy 3:8-13 and according to the current will of the Church, who if married shall not have been divorced, neither having a wife that has been divorced. Elders may only be nominated by the Board of Elders. When feasible, they shall be elected at each annual business meeting by a majority vote to serve a term of office of three (3) years each.
  2. Any vacancies occurring on the Board of Elders may be filled by the appointment of the Board of Elders from the qualified men of the Church until the next business meeting or at the annual business meeting, when one can be elected by the Church to fill out the unexpired term.
  3. It shall be the duties of the Elders to cooperate with the Pastor in the oversight of the Church work, acting as counselors and assistants of the Pastor in advancing the general spiritual interests of the Church. They shall be charged specifically:
    1. To prepare and serve communion at appointed services.
    2. To assist at all baptismal services.
    3. To revise the membership roll when expedient.
    4. To make a list of all active and inactive members annually.
    5. To sit in counsel to examine candidates for baptism, membership, and ordination and to make recommendations to the Church for action.
    6. To recommend Pastoral candidates to the Official Board by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the entire Board of Elders and to engage preachers in the absence of a Pastor, especially within the Church
    7. To approve or reject all requests to use church facilities for weddings.
    8. To assist the pastor(s) in all pastoral duties.
    9. To nominate Elders for recommendation to the church.
Section 4 - Board of Trustees
  1. The Trustees shall constitute a corporate body known as "The Board of Trustees of the First Baptist Church of Rushford, New York," as provided by the laws of the State of New York.
  2. Trustees shall be elected by a majority vote at each annual business meeting, as required by State law, to serve terms of three (3) years each. Other items of the election of Trustees shall be in accordance with the provision of the statutes of the State of New York.
  3. Any vacancies occurring on the Board may be filled by appointment by the remaining Trustees until the annual business meeting, when one shall be elected to fill out the unexpired term of office as required by State law.
  4. It shall be the duties of the Board of Trustees:
  5. To elect at their first meeting following January 1, a Chairman and Secretary for the year. If they cannot, the Church will elect these positions at the next business meeting. As required by State law, at least a 24 hour notice must be given for all Trustees meetings, except when all members of the Board are unanimously agreed on an emergency meeting.
  6. To oversee the Church properties in regard to maintenance, matters of legal affairs, and whatever financial affairs are committed to them by the Church. The Trustees shall oversee the General Fund of the Church.
  7. To report to the Church a suggested budget of expenses for the next calendar year for all of the ministries of the Church which shall be acted upon by the Church at the annual business meeting.
  8. To keep an accurate account of all business transactions of the Trustees and to submit a report at the annual and quarterly business meetings.
  9. To appoint, or hire, one (1) auditor to audit all books of the Church in the hands of its officers at least once a year within the first sixty days (60) following the end of the calendar year, for the sake of the records. The auditor’s report shall be included in the Trustees’ second quarterly report.
Section 5 - Church Clerk
  1. The Church Clerk shall be elected at the annual business meeting for a term of one (1) year.
  2. The Clerk shall keep accurately the records of the Church business, which shall be approved at each business meeting of the Church. The Clerk shall provide a copy of any records requested by a member of the Church as necessary.
  3. The Clerk shall keep a correct register of the baptisms and the membership of the Church with the date and the manner of their admission or dismissal. At the annual business meeting, a report of the membership shall be submitted.
  4. The Clerk shall issue baptism and membership certificates and all letters of transfer approved by the Board of Elders.
  5. The Clerk shall keep on file all reports submitted at the annual, quarterly and special business meetings, a copy of the Constitution, including the date and any other necessary information concerning all Amendments, minutes of all business meetings, and bylaws.
Section 6 - Treasurer(s)
  1. The Treasurer(s) shall be elected at the annual business meeting for a term of one (1) year.
  2. The Treasurer(s) shall present a report of their funds to the Church at the annual and quarterly business meetings, and at such other times as directed by the Church.
  3. The Treasurer(s) shall hold an accurate account of all money belonging to the Church, in the General, Savings and Special Funds under the direction of the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer(s) shall pay out all salaries, fixed charges, and any other items of the current expenses of the Church, as per budget adopted by the Church, and all Special Funds as per their specific indenture or as ordered by the Board of Trustees.
Section 7 - Official Board
  1. The Official Board shall consist of the Pastor(s), Elders, Trustees, Clerk, and Treasurer(s). A meeting of the Official Board can be called by any six (6) members of the Board upon one (1) week’s notice or as required by the Church at a business meeting. A quorum shall be two-thirds (2/3).
  2. The duties of this Board shall be to approve the recommendation of the Elders for the office of the Pastor, and approve amendments to the Constitution for Church Vote.
  3. The voting for recommendation to the Church for a Pastor shall be by three-fourths (3/4) majority, and all other matters shall be by two-thirds (2/3) vote. Voting shall be by those present and by ballot.
Section 8 -Other Positions

Any other officer, committee or position may be provided for in the bylaws.

Article 5 - Meetings of the Church
Section 1 - Regular Meetings
  1. The Church shall meet regularly on each Lord's Day for public worship.
  2. The Lord's Supper (Communion) shall be observed at least every other month on such dates and at such times as determined by the Elders.
Section 2 – Business Meetings
  1. The annual business meeting shall be held the third Thursday of October. At this meeting, the election of all officers, committees and positions shall be held, with their terms to run January 1 through December 31 of the next year. The proposed budget will be presented at this meeting for approval, and as approved will be effective for the fiscal year, which shall be from January 1 through December 31 of the next year.
  2. The quarterly business meetings of the Church shall be held the third Thursday of each of the following months: January, April & July.
  3. All business meetings shall be announced in the morning worship service at least two (2) successive Sundays preceding the business meeting, by the proper offices, according to the statutes of the State of New York.
  4. The Trustees shall give notice of the annual and quarterly business meetings. The Trustees or the Elders may call special business meetings that pertain to their respective duties. The Pastor or any ten (10) active members of the Church over eighteen (18) years of age in good and regular standing, may call a special business meeting provided the purpose, place and time of the meeting is announced. Unannounced business may also be transacted at any meeting.
  5. At least one week prior to any annual or quarterly business meeting, written reports shall be submitted by the Pastor, Chairman of the Elders, Chairman of the Trustees, Treasurers, and from any other officers, committees or positions the Church may call upon. All reports are to be copied and available for distribution the Sunday preceding the meeting, and filed with the Clerk.
Section 3 - Voting
  1. Only active adult (18 years or older) members of the Church shall be qualified to vote at any business meeting.
  2. All votes, whether for elections or decisions, shall be made by a simple majority of those present at the meeting, except for the call of a Pastor which shall require three-fourths (3/4) for approval; and for membership, exclusion from membership, financial expenditures, bylaws and Constitutional amendments which shall require two-thirds (2/3) majority by ballot.
  3. Upon request by any voting member, a vote shall be by ballot.
  4. The will of the Church on any given matter duly expressed by its vote shall be carried out by all officers, committees and positions of the Church.
Section 4 - Guide

In all matters not governed by the above regulations, the Church shall be governed by bylaws, to be adopted for any purpose not preempted by law or by this Constitution at any annual or quarterly business meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by ballot. Bylaws shall be filed and indexed by the Clerk.

Article 6 - Amendments to the Constitution
  1. This Constitution may be amended at any annual, quarterly, or special business meeting of the Church by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the adult active members present and voting, providing notice of such amendments shall be given to the members or posted in a conspicuous place in the Church two (2) weeks before being acted upon, and announced in the regular meeting two (2) Sundays immediately prior to the meeting,
  2. The proposed amendments must be submitted to the Official Board at least four (4) weeks prior to the announced meeting in which they are to be acted upon by the Church.
  3. All proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Official Board present and voting.
  4. Voting on the proposed amendments shall be by ballot.
  5. The Clerk shall record the amendments to the Constitution in the files of the Church, giving the date they are to go into effect.

This version of the Constitution was adopted by the First Baptist Church of Rushford, New York on the 19th day of October, 2023 to be fully in effect January 1st, 2025.